Diagnosis: Repair Procedure for Young Asian Patient

This patient, a young gentleman of Asian descent, initially underwent a procedure at an outside clinic. While the clinic did use modern techniques, they did not pack the grafts tightly enough. Especially considering the fact that his thinning was located in the highly visible hairline region. To “pull off” a successful hair transplant, there must be density in the hairline region. Without this, it will not look natural. Unfortunately, this is exactly what did NOT happen for this patient; the outside clinic used too few grafts and placed them too far apart. This left the patient with an obvious and unnatural appearance in the hairline, which actually drew more attention than the hair loss ever did. He came to our clinic and we repeated a very similar procedure, but with a higher graft number and dense packing techniques. Using only 1,700 grafts, we rebuilt the hairline region and densely packed the band behind it to create a seamless transition into this native hair. The patient returned 12 months later and the difference is clear for all to see.