Diagnosis: Frontal Band Rebuild with Fine Blonde Hair

This patient presented a challenge: he required a thick, dense rebuild in the crucial “frontal band” region, but presented with fine, blonde donor hair. Fine, light hair does not lend itself naturally to thick, full results. To achieve natural density with a patient like this, a true “dense pack” approach is required. A dense pack necessitates that the clinic uses only the smallest, most refined tools, employees a highly trained staff of “super technicians” capable of preparing thousands of true follicular units under microscopes, and comfort with magnification to properly implant the grafts. Using this approach, 2,500 grafts (an FUT “mega-session”) were carefully removed, refined, and transplanted. Nine months later, the patient sent update pictures to show that, clearly, the approach worked. Despite having fine, light hair, the dense pack in the frontal band allowed for a thick, natural restoration.