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Surgical Videos

Are you interested in learning more about the hair transplant process? Drs. Feller & Bloxham are skilled surgeons with expert medical support staff. These surgical hair transplant videos allow you to see the team in action and helps you learn exactly what to expect from your hair transplant surgery when you arrive at our NY office.

In these hair transplant videos, dr. Blake bloxham and his team demonstrate surgical techniques and discusses the steps involved in different hair transplant cases. Browse our collection of hair restoration surgery videos to learn more.

Diamond of Death
Synopsis: The Diamond of Death refers to an area just behind the hairline in the middle/frontal portion of scalp that is prone to poor growth and necrosis (skin death). In this video. Dr. Bloxham explains his strategy to avoiding this occurrence in his hair transplant techniques.

Buzzcut Hair Transplant
Synopsis: A good hair transplant procedure should look somewhat like a “buzz cut” when completed. Learn more about how Dr. Bloxham achieves this look with densely packed hair grafts.

Buzzcut Hair Transplant by Dr Bloxham – Feller and Bloxham Hair Transplant New York
Synopsis: A good dense pack hair transplant procedure should look somewhat like a “buzz cut” when completed. Learn more about the “buzz cut” look with our short hair transplant treatment video.

Hair Transplant Experience
Synopsis: In this video, Dr. Bloxham creates recipient sites in an actual hair transplant patient.

Dr. Blake Bloxham Performs
Synopsis: Watch Dr. Blake Bloxham perform a highly refined hair transplant.

Dr. Blake Bloxham Prepares
Synopsis: Watch Dr. Blake Bloxham prepare a patient’s donor area to remove a strip.